We are setting up a Multi-Story Orchestra ideas group!
This group is open to everyone who plays with Multi-Story, and we would love you to apply if you're interested.
we will chat about:
Multi-Story projects and repertoire (we'd love to involve as many people as possible in these discussions!)
How we work, especially with young people, and what else we can do
How we recruit new musicians and development/training opportunities
The organisation's strategy more broadly
Anything else anyone wants to raise!
This won't impact playing opportunities but is a separate way to get more involved with Multi-Story.
We will meet up to 10 times a year and taking part will be paid at £30 per hour. We will send the dates in advance and ask for you to commit to as many of these as you can. There will be a limited number of places so we will try to select a group that is as representative as possible. The first group will be on it for a year, but we'll open it up again after that, and you can re-register if you want to. If you are not selected first time round, please don't feel excluded from discussions - you can speak to us at any time and can pass ideas to the group. There will always an opportunity to join the following year too!
If you're keen to participate, all you need to do is send a short statement to Myffy (myffy@multi-story.org.uk) saying why you want to do it and we will be in touch.