Every year one of our favourite parts of Multi-Story’s work is when we take the full orchestra into schools around the country. In our normal Schools Tour, The Multi-Story Orchestra plays a short concert in four or five schools in a day, driving between them in a coach. In these sessions, our fabulous players introduce themselves and their instruments, the Orchestra, and the pieces that we’ve brought to play to them.

As lockdown descended this spring, we realised that we were not going to be able to get together in this way, so we tried to think of ways that we could continue to give a version of this opportunity to young people, particularly those who may never have experienced classical music before.

So we came up with our DIGITAL SCHOOLS TOUR!

Our musicians led a series of sessions online over Zoom and Google Meets, enabling us to reach children both at home and in school. They learned about a new instrument from a different player every session and together we watched a video of one of our favourite pieces from Multi-Story’s recorded concerts over the last few years. Putting on these sessions live, rather than sending pre-recorded material, meant that children could answer questions and have an interactive experience - as close as possible to the ‘in person’ experience we’d normally carry out. 

Take a look at Fra, Jude, Jenny, Linton, and some of the Multi-Story team in action below!

The musicians quickly built up a rapport with the children, which added to the children’s enjoyment of the sessions. The children loved watching the pre-recorded clips of the symphonies - one student even requested we listen to a symphony during a learning session that week!
— St. Mary Magdalene C of E Primary School
The children enjoyed being able to speak to the musicians and join in witht the call. Previously a lot of children were not aware of what an orchestra was but now they would love to go and watch a performance by the orchestra.
— Harris Primary Academy Peckham Park
We loved the call and response with the percussionist. He was our favourite
My favourite was the violin. I would love to learn how to play!
I liked listening to the instruments and the sounds they made
We would love to go and see the Multi-Story Orchestra play
— Pupils from Harris Primary Academy Peckham Park